Friday, May 14, 2010

"We Could Keep Things Just the Same, Leave Here the Way We Came, With Nothing to Lose, But I Don't Want To"

So you all probably know that I'm officially back in the states! However, my last week in Gaming may have been the best week of the semester so I just want to fill you all in on that and give some closure to the semester and this blog.

So on Friday my beautiful household sisters Chrissy and Mandi went to the Spar and bought "fun lemonade" for us five Madonna of the Streets girls. "Fun lemonade" is Chrissy's name for the alcoholic lemonade that the Spar sells. So that evening, after Chrissy and Mandi finished freaking out about their final the next day, we had an MOS hang-out night in Kiki and Alley's room. We basically just goofed off for a couple hours while eating chocolate and drinking fun lemonade. Though unfortunately the fun lemonade was carbonated and I can't stand carbonated drinks so I had to pass on that. But I think Alley was pretty happy that she got an extra drink. The quote of the night came when Mandi said that I was the "backbone sister" and Alley replied that I was the "ninja sister" which led to Mandi's comment that "I want my backbone to be a ninja!" We also finally got a lovely picture of the five of us together:

On Saturday we all had to cram into the Adoration Chapel for Mass because there was a wedding taking place in the big Chapel. That afternoon I had my Intro to Scripture final following which I had just enough time to say a Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet before heading to the Spar with Sarah and Amy to stock up on food for our last movie night. We got back from the Spar just in time to head over to the frisbee fields for the championship frisbee match between the staff team which included Mr. Professor Wolter, Professor Cassidy, Mark Kalpakgian - the Student Life Director, his wife Niki, and other staff and one of the student teams which included two of the Disciples - Tyler and Joseph, and Dr. Asci who apparently told his team that if they lost they would have his six crying children on their consciences. The match was quite enjoyable - Professor Cassidy in particular was fun to watch. Especially when he fouled someone and immediately turned to the ref to tell them it was his fault. His outfit was also rather hilarious. We also found out that Fr. Brad has quite a good throw. Mark's competitive nature also afforded some hilarity - he ended up in a full on argument with one of the student referees (whom he had chosen by the way). However, there were also several terrifying moments in the match, the biggest one being when Mr. Prof. Wolter accidentally ran into a kid and ended up flipping over him and landing on his back. But, he just got back up and kept going. Those ex-Marines are tough! It was also quite fun watching Mrs. Professor Wolter cheering on the sidelines. Amy turned to me at one point and was like "Professor Wolter's wife looks like a fun lady" and I looked over to see her jumping up and down and cheering at the top of her lungs!

After the frisbee game we stopped by the Keller to pick up some pizzas for dinner then headed to Sarah, Maude, and Christa's room for movie night! We watched A Few Good Men, The Sandlot, and something else that I can't remember and ate pizza, ice cream, potato chips, and milka. It was an epic ending to our movie nights.

The next day, Sunday, Sarah and I, along with two other girls, got to have brunch with the Wolters following Mass. It was a lovely morning with some lovely people!

As I attempted to study that afternoon it occured to me what a beautiful day it was and that I hadn't been down to the creek yet so I took my Rosary and climbed down to the creek where I relaxed for about an hour. I then had to hurry back for the Kartause Kids' presentation of Charlotte's Web. The Kartause Kids are what we affectionately call the children of the staff and professors. They had been working hard all semester on a play of Charlotte's Web which they performed for us Sunday afternoon. They were wonderful of course and adorable as always!

We finished exams on Tuesday and had the Austrian Ball that evening! Everyone had either bought or rented traditional Austrian garb (dirndls for the girls, lederhosen for the boys) from the school and the afternoon was spent making ourselves beautiful for our first ball! MOS all ended up in Kiki and Alley's room for a little pre-party. Chrissy and Kiki managed to work a miracle on my hair so that even with my less-than-gorgeous dirndl which I was not entirely pleased with I managed to look kinda beautiful! I then had fun just chilling with my sisters while Kiki worked her magic on Mandi's hair, random people ran in and out begging Kiki to help them with their hair, and Chrissy drank fun lemonade to prepare her to wear a dress for 4 hours.

We then headed over to the Mensa for our Austrian dinner which was nice. A whole group of us then went to the field across the street to take pictures in our Austrian garb. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

We then headed to the ballroom! The first hour or so was devoted to teaching us a traditional Austrian folk dance! It was a blast! And pretty hilarious at times! Oh my, I don't even know what to say! After that they played American music and the rest of the night was pretty much just a typical American dance party. It was so much fun! Definitely one of the best nights of my life - just dancing with my friends and being so in love with the Kartause and the people there, oh my gosh it was amazing!

Wednesday was insanity! I was up relatively early and Amy and I headed to the Spar where they had just re-stocked on Milka and were having a buy 2 get 1 free sale! It was pretty darn exciting!

Then, that afternoon, the amazing Sister Monica took Amy and I on a hike to the waterfall! It was about a one hour hike and it was a blast! I had such a great time! And the waterfall was gorgeous! We even met up with our friend Tyler who was chillin up there.

The rest of the day was devoted to cleaning and packing. Once that was finished, around 9:00 that night, we headed out to the bonfire.

Now MOS and the Disciples had been involved in a prank war for most of the semester. And we had acquired the Disciples' frisbee which they desperately wanted back. So we devised a scavenger hunt for them. We gave them the first clue while we were all at the bonfire and they headed out. The scavenger hunt would take them to sixth track, third floor, the frisbee field, the Wolters' house where they would have to sing A Whole New World for our professors, the watch tower behind the Kartause, the Chapel above the Chapel, the laundry room, the library, then back to the bonfire where they would have to sing a love song that they composed for us. So we send them off on their hunt and we're waiting to see them come back out and head for the frisbee field. But we're waiting and waiting and they're not coming. And we're like what the heck. And then we hear a noise from behind the Kartause. But we're like no way they can't be back there already. Well two minutes later we see them go flying past on bicycles. Cheaters! But anyways then we're like ok they should be done really soon! So we're all getting ready and they're taking forever! And we're like now what?! So Kiki and Alley went inside to look for them and found them in the library rehearsing the song. So of course we were all like AWWWW that's so sweet! And finally they appeared and sang us a very epic love song to the tune of their household song:

Lyrics: Real women imitate our Mother

Love their dear brothers

When all of the jokes are on them

They're sweet and they're loveable

But inside they're beautiful

When nobody's looking

They take all our stuff

And they dance all night

While we put snails and bats on their bedroom floors

When you get past their pranking

There's a heart that just wants to be like

Mary, Mother of God

The only one who could bear God as son

And she couldn't back down with those people around

And she proved for the last time that real women love!

We gave them their frisbee back and then we all climbed up on the wall to watch the bonfire. Just sitting there, singing with them, and watching the fire, with our arms all around each other was one of the best moments of my life. I will always treasure that.

At midnight we headed to the chapel for Midnight Mass. And the entrance hymn was MOS's household song! And every song that night was absolutely perfect! And MOS and the Disciples all sat together - all nine of us squished into one pew! And we received Jesus! And I realized that someday we'll all be together in Heaven and it'll be even better than Gaming!

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