Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So there's a bar down the street from the Kartause called Urs. And pretty much every night you'll hear someone in the Kartause saying the words "Wanna go to Urs?" or "I'm going to Urs." I've never been to Urs. I don't drink and I have this image in my head of bars as evil places of doom. But, it's my last week in Europe and I'm pretty much one of the only people who hasn't been to Urs. So this evening I headed down to Urs with my beautiful household sister Chrissy and our friend Devon.

We got there and there was the usual crowd of Franciscan people. So we grabbed a table and Franciscan's resident drink advisor came over and heard it was my first time at Urs and began to advise me. So I got a frog. Yes, that's the name of the drink. It was actually quite delicious but I have this paranoia about drinking so everyone thought I hated it cuz I wasn't drinking very much. It's funny though, I actually would've liked it better if it didn't have alcohol in it cuz I liked all the fruity tastes but I HATE the taste of alcohol!

But anyways, then Chrissy started this story-telling game and then Devon told us her glory story and I discovered that bars are not necessarily evil places of doom. They can actually be pretty fun if you're with friends and stay sober. And as Devon was telling us her glory story about the train ride back from Lourdes and her insane evangelization I was reminded of something that my dad has told me on several occasions. Apparently there's this song that Imus played on his show one time and one of the lines is "And when you go out drinking with your friends, would you mind if Jesus came along?" And my dad was always like, we wouldn't have minded cuz our conversations always revolved around pro-life and the Church. So I'm sitting there listening to Devon talk about Lourdes and evangelization and I was like DADDY! It made me happy!

And then Chrissy, Devon, and Annie helped me finish my drink cuz Chrissy refused to let us leave until my drink was gone. She was quite adamant that it could not go to waste. And then we headed back. And I've finally been to Urs and it was a blast!

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