Sunday, April 11, 2010

" . . . But In The End Its Right . . . "

When last I left you I was sleeping peacefully on the train to Zurich. Until, of course, the conductor whipped open the door to our compartment and babbled loudly at us in German! I was so confused! Eventually I figured out that she was the conductor and wanted to see our tickets. Sigh, I didn't get any more sleep on that train. However, I did get to see a gorgeous sun! It was big and orange and beautiful and reflected in the lake!

We then got on the train to our next destination and I did get to take a nap then. After that we had to take a train up the mountain to the small town of Zermatt. And, of course, because it was a special train, they didn't accept our Eurail passes so we had to buy tickets. But we made it to Zermatt which is the important thing.

Our first stop was the Tourist Office where we picked up a map and asked the lady what we could do that was cheap. So she pointed us in the direction of a free hike that we could take. We stopped at the Coop (grocery store) first to get some lunch. Combined we got bread, cheese, grapes, pistachios, cookies, beef jerky, and nutella. Oh and I got a giant thing of peach iced tea. So we walked to the bottom of the trail and found a bench to have a little picnic on. You wouldn't believe how filling bread grapes pistachios and cookies can be! It was one of the best meals I ever ate!

We then headed off on our hike which I was really dreading cuz my physical stamina totals a whopping ZERO! But it was so gorgeous I ended up loving it! And we took it pretty slow so I never felt overwhelmed and I didn't even care when I did get exhausted cuz I was so busy looking at all the beauty around me! It turns out we actually took a different trail then the one we had originally intended to but it was obviously the work of God cuz we ended up on the religious (aka Jesus) themed trail! It was so cool!

We had been hoping to see wildlife on our hike and so we were very excited when we saw a whole herd of sheep! And they baa-ed!!!! And the little ones were so cute and fluffy! I wanted to buy one and bring it home as a pet! But I don't think I could've gotten it on the plane.

The trail actually reminded me a little of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island which our family usually visits on Good Friday. Obviously I wasn't able to go this year but Jesus apparently really wanted me to have that experience so He made it happen in SWITZERLAND!!!! I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet as we walked. We eventually got to a spot where we decided to stop. So I began my Rosary and, once rested, decided to continue a little way along the trail. I just wanted to see what was around that next bend. And that next one. And that next one. Yeah I definitely went further than I meant to but it was so gorgeous I just couldn't stop! And it gave me time to finish my Rosary and to just be alone with Jesus and His Mama in His beautiful creation!

I eventually turned around and returned to our rest stop where I found my friends standing on top of this giant boulder like they were on top of the world! We then hurried back to town so we would have time to grab dinner before we had to catch our train.

However, we necessarily stopped at the Church first which was beautiful. There was actually a very interesting painting of Noah's Ark on the ceiling.

After visiting Jesus we stopped by some souvenire shops and then went in search of dinner only to discover that everything in Zermatt is ridiculously expensive - a cheeseburger at McDonald's was 11 francs! So we went to the coop and got sandwiches.

We then took a couple trains to get to the other small town of Grindelwald. Yes, Harry Potter fans, Grindelwald, as in the dark wizard that Dumbledore defeated. I took a picture of the sign for my brother Raymond. We then got to our hostel which was actually made up of a bunch of cabins like campground cabins. And we had a six person room all to ourselves! It was really nice!

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