Sunday, April 11, 2010

" . . . Let It Be"

On Monday we were up early to get the shuttle to the airport. Yeah, that shuttle driver was crazy! We were going SO fast! I was a little concerned. But we made it to the airport alive. We were pretty early so I had time to eat a lovely breakfast of apple turnover and orange juice. And then I froze in the stupid little gate area until it was time to board. I'm pretty sure I slept on the flight.

Once in Vienna we got a bus to the train station and a train to Gaming. We met up with a whole bunch of Franciscan students on the way so we got to hear all about everyone's trips.

And then we got off the train in Gaming and it was cold and rainy and we had a 45 minute walk to the Kartause but I've discovered that that walk is a great opportunity for prayer - I can usually do a Chaplet, a Rosary, and a nine-minute Novena and have a little time left over.

And yeah I think that's it.

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