Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Farewell Vienna!

So this past Saturday my roommate, Amy, and I headed out for a last jaunt in Vienna!

Our first stop was at the world's oldest Ferris wheel for which Vienna is famous! We even got to see a little one-room museum about the Ferris wheel which was kinda cool. We then got on line for the ride and it was pretty darn cool. It's one of those where you actually sit in a nice little enclosed box which is nice cuz you don't feel like you could at any moment fall out of the sky. And these were classy little ferris wheel cars, with tables and benches, we even saw one classy box go by with a table cloth and wine glasses! I think that one costs extra. So then we got in our box and Amy was pretty psyched and I was starting to get nervous. See I'm a bit claustrophobic so being stuck in a box for who knows how long kinda freaks me out. And with my luck I'd have a panic attack at the very top when you're farthest away from safety and it would take forever to get back down and I'd die. Or that's how my mind works when I start to get nervous. So the door closes, we take off, Amy's on the other side of the car taking pictures, and I start whipping out my medicine and my sour patch bunnies and I'm like "AMY! I'm nervous, tell me jokes!" But apparently it's hard for people to be funny on command so she wasn't much help. But then the medicine kicked in and I felt much better. So then I was up, bopping around, taking pictures. It was pretty darn cool! I'm really glad we went! And it wasn't as long a ride as I thought it would be! So that made me happy. I actually would've been happy if we had gone around a second or third time. But yeah it was really cool!

So then we hopped off and booked it to St. Stephan's Cathedral for Mass. We were kinda late but it was okay cuz it was Mass at St. Stephan's which has actually come to be one of my favorite Cathedral's in Europe (aka the world). And they still use the altar rail and you can kneel for Communion! That made me SO happy! I wish we at least had that option at Mass, it just makes it so special.

After Mass we headed to the Naschmarkt or open air market where I bought a plethora of scarves and a couple other miscellaneous souvenirs. And the next thing we knew it was time to catch our train.

While we were in the Stephansplatz metro station we found a chapel that had been discovered when they were building the metro station. Yeah there's just this random some-hundred years old Chapel chilling in the metro station. Welcome to Europe!

And then of course we got off the train at the wrong stop and have to train it all over Austria to finally get back to the Kartause at 10 p.m. It was good a last trip!

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