Sunday, April 11, 2010

" . . . She is Standing Right in Front of Me . . . "

On Thursday we woke up early (like 5 in the morning early) and walked to the train station where we took a train to Toulousse (I hope I spelled that right). We began by playing our 20 questions type game and then went to sleep. In Toulousse we switched to our train to Nice. Sarah was freaking out because when we had bought our reservation the guy had given us a first class reservation but our eurail is a second class ticket. But apparently Mama Mary wanted us to sit in first class cuz the conductor didn't even care! So we had a nice long ride to Nice during which we slept, played card games and our 20 questions game, read Chesterton, prayed the Rosary, prayed the Chaplet, and slept some more. Oh and watched the French countryside fly by! I think I could spend my whole life looking at the French countryside. Like if I had to spend the rest of my life on a train speeding through the French countryside I think I would be ok with that. Oh my gosh and then we saw the beach!!!! It was SO GORGEOUS!!!! And the water was this beautiful teal color! It was GORGEOUS!!!!

Unfortunately our train arrived late in Nice but we had plenty of time to get to the airport for our flight to Dublin. So we hopped on the bus to the airport and the bus took FOREVER! To the point that we were actually worried we might not make our flight. And I was just not in a good mood at this point and then this lady stomped on my foot with her four inch heel! I mean it was an accident, she didn't do it on purpose or anything, but it hurt like heck! But we finally got to the airport and only had the easiest check-in ever! Security took about 1 minute. Maybe 2 tops. So we got to our gate and still had about 45 minutes before we began boarding! Which was just enough time for a little dinner.

We then got on our plane and had 3 lovely seats all to ourselves and I got the aisle seat which always makes me feel better - the window seat makes me claustrophobic. So I said my Novena, read the Bible, did evening prayer, and read some Chesterton and before I knew it we were in Dublin.

So we stepped off the plane and the signs were in English and Gaelic!!! I thought that was so cool - I took pictures! And we thought it was just to be cool like we're Ireland we have our own language woot woot! but no, people in Ireland actually speak Gaelic!

So then we hopped on the bus to the city center and when we got off there was a store right in front of us called "Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces!" Umm "She is standing right in front of me!" I was so excited! And then we were walking down the street and there was a sign in front of this diner that said "Reminding you of Good Friday for Fish 'n Chips!" AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I LOVE IRELAND!!!!!!!! Can you imagine that?!?!?! You could never see something like that in the U.S.!

So we got to our hostel and headed to bed. And that was Holy Thursday.

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